List View Item Control.

List View Item Control.

Here is a sample listing of code that will add bitmap IDs(win32 application) or ICON Ids to the list view control. few month back I made this to add a feature to my existing application module.
You cannot blindly add this to ur workspace since it need some modifications. Treat this as a code snippet or an example to make the target.!! Happy coding

     class/structure:     SListControl
     author:     renjith

     creation: 25-march-2008

     Modification History
     Date                                   comments                    Reason

     27-Mar-08     Added ne method AddBmpImage() which           To add this class in
                    takes a vector of Ids and Names as Input.     main dialog of CADPartDB

     16-Jun-08 Added new methods SetProductName() and Support for new fron-end
                    GetProductName() to support the new front interface (insert/update
                    end Interface                                        the contents of DB)


#pragma once

#include <commctrl.h>
#include "../resource.h"
#include "../stdafx.h"

struct SListControl

          LV_ITEM lvi;
          LV_COLUMN lvc;
          std::vector<_str> m_strProdName;

     //int AddString ( LPCTSTR str ) { return ::SendMessage( handle, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)str ); };

     int GetCurSel();
     void SetProductName(const std::vector<_str> & strVecName);

     std::vector<_str> GetProductName();

     void AddBmpImage(std::vector<int> nVecIDs,std::vector<_str> strVecName);
     bool AddBmpImage(int nIDStart,int nIDEnd, _str strName);

     bool AddIconImage(int nIDStart,int nIDEnd, _str strName);

     class/structure:     SListControl
     author:     renjith

     creation: 25-march-2008

     Modification History
     Date                                   comments                    Reason

     27-Mar-08     Added ne method AddBmpImage() which           To add this class in
                    takes a vector of Ids and Names as Input.     main dialog of CADPartDB

     16-Jun-08 Added new methods SetProductName() and Support for new fron-end
                    GetProductName() to support the new front interface (insert/update
                    end Interface                                        the contents of DB)



#include "guicontrolenhanced.h"
#include "StdAfx.h"

#include <commctrl.h>

#include "../resource.h"

#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;*/

     void SListControl::SetProductName(const std::vector<_str> & strVecName)

          m_strProdName = strVecName;

     std::vector<_str> SListControl::GetProductName()
          return m_strProdName;


     void SListControl::AddBmpImage(std::vector<int> nVecIDs,std::vector<_str> strVecName)
          int nMAX = nVecIDs.size();

          HWND hList = handle;
          RECT Rect;
          HIMAGELIST himlLarge;


          //LV_ITEM lvi;
          //LV_COLUMN lvc;

          int iStatus;
          int i;
          char szStr[ 32 ];

          //Registers and initializes certain common control window classes.


          if( ! hList )
               MessageBox(NULL,"hList is Null","",MB_OK);

          // Create an Image list, of 80x80 pixels
          himlLarge = ImageList_Create(80,80,ILC_COLOR32,100,100);
          //4th argument is the number of images that the image list initially contains.
          //5th argument is the the number of images by which the image list can grow when
          //the system needs to make room for new images.

          for( i = 0; i < nMAX; i++ ) // Add Images to each image list
               HBITMAP hBitMap; // bitmap handler

               int imlindex=-1;

                    MessageBox(NULL,"hBitMap is null","Msg",MB_OK);

               imlindex = ImageList_Add(himlLarge,hBitMap,NULL);
          // Make the listview use the images lists and exit

          //ListView_SetImageList( hList, himlLarge, LVSIL_NORMAL);

          // this is # defined in the header as...
          SendMessage(hList, LVM_SETIMAGELIST, (WPARAM)(LVSIL_NORMAL), (LPARAM)(HIMAGELIST)(himlLarge));
          GetClientRect( hList, &Rect ); // Get the listview RECT size
          lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_SUBITEM;

          lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT;
 = Rect.right - Rect.left; // Make bar width of window
          lvc.pszText = "Item Status";
          lvc.iSubItem = 0; // Add display column (for Report View)

          //iStatus = ListView_InsertColumn( hList, 0, &lvc );
          iStatus = SendMessage((hList), LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, (WPARAM)(int)(0), (LPARAM)(const LV_COLUMN *)(&lvc));

          lvi.mask = LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_STATE;
          lvi.state = 0;
          lvi.stateMask = LVIS_FOCUSED; // Set generic structure values
          lvi.pszText = szStr;

          for( i = 0; i < nMAX; i++ ) // Add 20 items to the control

               wsprintf( szStr, "%s",strVecName[i].c_str() ); // Name depends on number
               lvi.iImage = i ; // 5 images

               lvi.iItem = i;
               lvi.iSubItem = 0;
               lvi.lParam = 1;
               //iStatus = ListView_InsertItem( hList, &lvi ); // Add item to control

               iStatus = ::SendMessage((hList), LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(const LV_ITEM *)( &lvi));

     bool SListControl::AddBmpImage(int nIDStart,int nIDEnd, _str strName)

          int nMAX = nIDEnd - nIDStart;
          HWND hList = handle;
          RECT Rect;
          HIMAGELIST himlLarge;
// HIMAGELIST himlSmall;

          //LV_ITEM lvi;
          //LV_COLUMN lvc;
          int iStatus;
          int i;

          char szStr[ 32 ];


          if( ! hList )
               MessageBox(NULL,"hList is Null","",MB_OK);

                              // Create two lists, one for 32x32 and another for 16x16 icons

          himlLarge = ImageList_Create(80,80,ILC_COLOR32,100,100);//100, 100, ILC_COLOR32, 0, 10

          for( i = 0; i <= nMAX; i++ ) // Add icons to each image list

               HBITMAP hBitMap; // bitmap handler
               int imlindex=-1;

                    MessageBox(NULL,"hBitMap is null","Msg",MB_OK);

               imlindex = ImageList_Add(himlLarge,hBitMap,NULL);
          // Make the listview use the images lists and exit

          //ListView_SetImageList( hList, himlLarge, LVSIL_NORMAL);

          SendMessage(hList, LVM_SETIMAGELIST, (WPARAM)(LVSIL_NORMAL), (LPARAM)(HIMAGELIST)(himlLarge));
          GetClientRect( hList, &Rect ); // Get the listview RECT size
          lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_SUBITEM;
          lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT;

 = Rect.right - Rect.left; // Make bar width of window
          lvc.pszText = "Item Status";
          lvc.iSubItem = 0; // Add display column (for Report View)
          //iStatus = ListView_InsertColumn( hList, 0, &lvc );

          iStatus = SendMessage((hList), LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, (WPARAM)(int)(0), (LPARAM)(const LV_COLUMN *)(&lvc));
          lvi.mask = LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_STATE;
          lvi.state = 0;

          lvi.stateMask = LVIS_FOCUSED; // Set generic structure values
          lvi.pszText = szStr;

          for( i = 0; i <= nMAX; i++ ) // Add 20 items to the control

               wsprintf( szStr, "%s #%d",strName.c_str(), i + 1 ); // Name depends on number
               lvi.iImage = i ; // 5 images

               lvi.iItem = i;
               lvi.iSubItem = 0;
               lvi.lParam = 1;
               //iStatus = ListView_InsertItem( hList, &lvi ); // Add item to control

               iStatus = ::SendMessage((hList), LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(const LV_ITEM *)( &lvi));
          // SendMessage(hList,LVM_DELETEITEM,3,0);

     return true;


     bool SListControl::AddIconImage(int nIDStart,int nIDEnd, _str strName)
          int nMAX = nIDEnd - nIDStart;

          HWND hList = handle;
          RECT Rect;
          HICON hiconItem;
          HIMAGELIST himlLarge;
          //LV_ITEM lvi;
          //LV_COLUMN lvc;

          int iStatus;
          char szStr[ 32 ];
          int i;


          if( ! hList )
               MessageBox(NULL,"hList is Null","",MB_OK);
          // Create lists, for 32x32 icons

          himlLarge = ImageList_Create( GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXICON ),
                                                  GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYICON ),
                                                  TRUE, 1, 1 );

          for( i = 0; i < nMAX; i++ ) // Add icons to each image list

               hiconItem = (HICON)LoadImage( g_hModule, MAKEINTRESOURCE( 1000+i ),IMAGE_ICON, 32, 32, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR );
                    MessageBox(NULL,"hiconItem is Null","",MB_OK);

               ImageList_AddIcon( himlLarge, hiconItem );
               DeleteObject( hiconItem );

          // Make the listview use the images lists and exit
          //ListView_SetImageList( hList, himlLarge, LVSIL_NORMAL);
          SendMessage(hList, LVM_SETIMAGELIST, (WPARAM)(LVSIL_NORMAL), (LPARAM)(HIMAGELIST)(himlLarge));
          GetClientRect( hList, &Rect ); // Get the listview RECT size

          lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_SUBITEM;
          lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT;
 = Rect.right - Rect.left; // Make bar width of window
          lvc.pszText = "Item Status";

          lvc.iSubItem = 0; // Add display column (for Report View)
          //iStatus = ListView_InsertColumn( hList, 0, &lvc );
          iStatus = SendMessage((hList), LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, (WPARAM)(int)(0), (LPARAM)(const LV_COLUMN *)(&lvc));

          lvi.mask = LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_STATE;
          lvi.state = 0;
          lvi.stateMask = LVIS_FOCUSED; // Set generic structure values
          lvi.pszText = szStr;

          for( i = 0; i < nMAX; i++ ) // Add 20 items to the control

               wsprintf( szStr, "%s #%d",strName.c_str(), i + 1 ); // Name depends on number
               lvi.iImage = i ;//% 5; // 5 images

               lvi.iItem = i;
               lvi.iSubItem = 0;
               lvi.lParam = 1;
               //iStatus = ListView_InsertItem( hList, &lvi ); // Add item to control

               iStatus = ::SendMessage((hList), LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(const LV_ITEM *)( &lvi));

          return true;


     int SListControl::GetCurSel()
          //return ListView_GetNextItem(handle,-1,LVNI_FOCUSED);;
          return SendMessage(handle,LVM_GETNEXTITEM,-1,LVNI_FOCUSED); // return item selected
